2day is a special day for me.. Cuz its da day i was born.. LOL.. Heh.. x] Finally upload all da photo's i wanna upload.. There is so many of them.. @.@ Ohya... First of all, i wanna thanks to all of u de burfday wishes.. Its reali sweet n nice... =) Sarah & Vivian blog wrote sumthing reali touching for me.. My tears almost drop when i was reading it.. Thx dears... I reali REALI appreciate it...^^ Secondly, i wanna thx those hu came to da party 2 days ago n celebrate da special day wif me.. I wanna tel u guys dat u guys reali gav me a wonderful & perfect sweet 16 burfday.. N thx for those hu prepared da "BIG SURPRISE".. U guys make me smell like rotten cream for da whole night.. >o<
~Party Day~=)
~Waiting for da party to start~x]
Left to right-Jun wah, Hann Wei, Yoong Keat & Shawn..=)
~Our so called "Amazing Race Game"~xP
Every 1 were gathered in da middle of da road.. =]
Da organisers-Me & Lyn..x]
Da guys were finding da clue..@.@
Da gals were finding da clue too i guess?? =P..
Giving them sum things to do & is quite messy dat time cuz too many ppl cum in 1 time..@.@
~Preparing BBQ stuffs~
Saw da expert Bbq pro?? xP..
~Da pro a.ka Cheong Chi Yian~=]
I hav no idea y i look like dat.. >0<
Jean keep wanna take pic wif me...xP..
Okay laa~~Here u go da pic...Heh..x]
My cute frens!~
They r promoting poh yee's french fries..x) Dunno whose middle finger was up there? @.@
Lyn & Chi Yian looks so HIGH dat day~LOL..
Scarry Lyn~>o<
Me & Chi Yian de pet dog a.k.a Eu Ricsson.. x]
Me & Jean.. =)
Da Green Gals.. x]
Luv u guys!~
~Robotic Gals~=)
Curi curi took my pic while i was eating..
Chicken wing!~xP..
U guys r da best~~=)
Jean & Me~=D
~Me & ChI yiAn~
Sok Ching~=)
Poh Yee~I looks so retarded in dat pic..>o<
Me~Chi Yian~Jiao Ling~x]
Spot da numbers we hav in our hand?? xP..
Luv dis pic~^^
Da can can BoYs!!~=)
They're so cute!!~Gosh! =D
Burfday cake~Chocolate Banana Cake~Yummy!~=]
~Preparing da candles~
Still preparing da candles~@.@
They preparing their "BIG SURPRISE" at da back without my notice..<<<<
Ready get set..................GO!!~~
Piak piak piak~
They enjoyed Cream pie me reali much~LOL..
My turn to hav revenge~Chase after them...xP..
I m so creamy when i was cutting da cake..
I look SPECIAL among them huh? xP..
~Me & Deee Gals~^^
Me & Dee Boys~~Take 1 =)
Me & Dee Boys~Take 2~Pity Jun wah.. Cuz he can't tahan da cream smell..>o<
Rach eyes open till so big~@.@
A small group pic..=)
Dis look jz perfect...=D
Smaller star transform to~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
DA bigger star!~~~~~~~~~Hehe...=P
Jeffrey & Yoong Keat were da last to go back cuz YK bro came late.. So me, lyn, jeffrey & yk chit chatting until about 12 sumthing 1 o'clock midnight at outside of my house.. Chat & laugh a lot.. N lyn spotted dat jeffrey actually had a reali cute dimple.. Hahas.. Is reali cute... x] Lyn overnight at my place dat night.. Both of us chat till 2.30 a.m cuz dat time i reali tak boleh tahan ad.. N dat whole night i smell like rotten cream wei!~So smelly~~Eew~>o< "Thx" to u guys~xP.. Besides, my toe & leg was hurt dat day when i was walking to 7-11 to buy drinks wif ricsson dat day.. My leg & toe kena by thorns.. Ouch! =( But thx to Chi Yian, Sok Ching & Jun wah, they helped me to take out all da thorns.. =)
My poor little toe..=(
N my poor leg~Its reali pain~
Lastly, present time~~^^
Chi Yian make de cake~Is so nice + yummy~Luv it lots^^
Chi Yian, Yoong Keat & Darren giv de Black White Monokuroboo~I wan dis for a long time ad.. Gosh!~Thx alot guys..^^
Cute?? xP...
Panda by Ming Keat a.k.a Mr Panda~Is so cute too^^
Piggiebank by Jiao Ling..=D
Nice box~~^^
Dis is da content~a cup from Jeffrey Boey~^^
A glitter sling bag from Jun wah a.k.a Sai lou zai..=P
Seriously, dis cup make me reali TOUCHED when i first saw it.. I tot it was jz a normal cup but it ended up is a special cup from Chi Yian.. Aww~xP..
Is a reali nice cup~But my picture is not reali nice, Chi Yian look better~Hmph! xP..
Besides, i was quite surprised when i recieved dis present too.. Cuz it seems reali expensive~@.@
Tadaa~~A nice swiss watch from Li Wen,Ricsson & Hann Wei..Thx guys for giving me such a expensive present..I'll surely wear it..=)
+ a note from Li Wen~A reali sweet note~^^ But sadly she din came to my party dat day.. =( Its okay laa~~I forgiv u.. Hehe..=P
A unique lamp from Mr Yaw Suan a.k.a Maggie mee man~LOL.. But da lamp doesn't seems to function when i try it..@.@
~Presents!~ =D
I jz wanna tel all of u dat U GUYS R DA BEST!~Thx for everything yea.. I reali appreciate it lots.. U guys gav me da sweetest burfday ever.. Luv u guys! Muakx muakx muakx! =)
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