Wednesday, November 26, 2008

~Tagged By Vivi~ xD

Question:What is your name??(Please give one answer)
1. Daphne lor of cuz... Duh... xD...
Question:What is your nickname(Please give 2 answers)
1. Daph..
2. Daph pekak(my skul frens owez cal me dat..lolx)
Question:3 books which you often read??(Please give 3 answers)
1.Mr Q "lao fu zi" comic... xD..
2. Doraemon... =)
3. Luv novel... Rox!! xP
Question:The things gained from blogging(Please give 4 answers)
1. Can express all my hapi things or sad things in here...xD
2. Improve my writing english essay.. Although my words campur different language sometimes.. =P
3.Can see ppl write all their expression in it... Wakaka..=D
4. Spend time here...xD
Question:Your favourite food(Please give 5 answers)
1. Japanese food rox!!! ^^
2.Chocolate cake...xD
3.Raw salmon..Yummy...=D
4.Mcdonals..I loving it..lolx...xP
5.Western food...
Question:Favourite songs(Please giv 6 answers)
1.Gei wo yi shou ge de shi jian
2.Shuo hao de xing fu ne
3.Qing tian
4.Dao Xiang
5.An Jing
6.Hui dao guo qu
Question:Places that you wish to go(Please give 7 answers)
1.Japan.. I wanna go leihx...^^
2.Korea... Fun...xD
3.Australia... Cool...=D
4.Taiwan... Wanna go there n see jiro..Haha..xD
5.Hong Kong..xP
6.Pulau Langkawi.. Miss dis place a lot...^____^
7. KL... Wanna go there gai gai...=P
Question:All-time favourite movies, dramas or animes(Please give 8 answers)
1. Jigoku Shoujo...Nice~~
2. Hua Yang Shao Nian Shao Nu.. Rox!! xD
3. Madasgascar 1 & 2.. Damn funny weih...=D
4. Ming Zhong Zhu Ding Wo Ai Ni.. Sweet~~
5. Lao Shi Jia Lao Da.. Cool...
6. Money Not Enough 2.. Touching... xP
7. Pirates Of The Carribean..Yeng.. =P
8. All Harry Porter movies.. Cool + Yeng.. ^o^
Question:Items that you wish to obtains(Please give 9 answers)
1.A sony erricsson W580i phone.. xD
2.New shirts..
3.New shoes...
4. A computer..^____^
5.A Japan air ticket...haha...
6.PMR minimum 5 A's maximum 8 A's.. =D
7. A monokurobu soft toy..Cute~~=P
8.Jay Chou's piano chords..xD
9.A camera...
Question:You want to pass this tag to(Please give 10 answers)
No idea wanna tag hu cuz most of them kena tagged ad...xP...